The dreadful weather of June 2019 will go down in waste industry legend – thanks to the awful riding conditions that the Waste on Wheels cycle team faced during their three-day, 170 mile 2019 charity bike ride from Reading to Weston-super-Mare.
The wind gusted and it rained, and rained and rained some more. There were punctures galore, torn lycra, broken wheels, shredded tyres and several riders ended up out of the saddle. Cuts and bruises, stitches and even broken ribs all made for a challenging few days.
But – on the positive side the Waste Industry’s finest have collectively raised around £7000 for the Alzheimer’s Society bringing the total raised by Waste on Wheels charity cycle rides to over £120,000 to date.
The Waste on Wheels 2019 riding team was made up of around 20 people from 15 different waste sector business.
This year’s SupaTrak riders were Jason Airey, Sally Cumner, Stuart Scott, Geert Vloedgraven and Martin Blunt. CMS provided tracking for the riders plus the main support vehicle with Mike Allen and Jordan Hawkins being kept busy with continual pit stops, repairs and first aid! Our marketing apprentice Martin has also produce a superb video of the ride.
On the final day Waste on Wheels cycled in to open the National Refuse Championship in Weston-super-Mare…and no doubt to several well-deserved beverages too!
Well done to everyone involved.
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