The EcoTrak solution interfaces directly with the engine management system to read parameters such as RPM, speed, PTO usage, cruise control usage, fuel used, and mileage. A Safer Driving Assistant in-cab driver feedback screen manages drivers in real time and our Mobile App helps drivers understand their performance and where they can improve.
Managed Service
The Managed Service supports you to gain the full benefits of our telematics solutions in the most efficient way. The service has been designed In partnership with customers from a wide variety of industry sectors to provide them with additional support, resource and telematics experience in a number of areas.

Driver CPC
Although there are many companies offering Driver CPC Training, here at CMS SupaTrak we try to teach, rather than preach. Our courses are not only informative, we try to engage drivers so the training lasts longer than the driver exiting the building.
Driver EcoCoaching
Take advantage of our Driver EcoCoaching to ensure that your fleet is being driven at optimum efficiency. Our EcoCoaching is conducted by highly trained and experienced instructors who can work with your drivers to make the changes necessary to get the best possible performance from your fleet.